About us

Who we are and what we believe

The Lutheran Church in Ireland

The roots of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Ireland go back over 300 years. The majority of our members come from German-speaking countries. That is why we have a particularly close relationship with the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD). However, as the only Lutheran church in Ireland, we also provide a home for many Lutheran and Protestant Christians from all over the world. For that reason we offer many service in English. Our ministry in the English language is organised through our daughter congregation International Lutherans Dublin which is coordinated by a presiding team.

The focus of our church life is the Sunday service in St. Finian's Church in the heart of Dublin, where we come together in trust in our Lord Jesus Christ. In worship we hear God's good news for our lives, experience fellowship with Him and each other, sing, pray and celebrate Holy Communion. In worship we find comfort, hope, companionship, encouragement, orientation and in everything God himself. We welcome all who want to become a living part of our church and thus enrich our community with their questions, ideas and their faith.

Our church is part of the worldwide communion of Lutheran churches that stand in the tradition of Martin Luther's Wittenberg Reformation in 1517. There are over 72 million Lutheran Christians worldwide. As a Lutheran church, we are part of the ecumenical movement and are engaged in interfaith dialogue in Ireland.

Latvian Lutheran Community:

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Polish Lutheran Community:

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Swedish Lutheran Community (London):

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"The Lutheran Church in Ireland proclaims Jesus Christ as Lord of the worldwide Christian Church who through the Holy Spirit, works within the Church in Word and Sacrament."

From the Preamble of our Constitution

"I believe that God has made me and all creatures; that He has given me my body and soul, eyes, ears, and all my limbs, my reason, and all my senses, and still preserves them."

Martin Luther from the Small Catechism