Be a part of our community


There are many ways to support our church

Become a member

Become part of our community, enjoy many benefits and help to secure the long-term future of our church through your membership, because our church is almost exclusively financed by our members. The best way to support us is through membership. Dual memberships are possible!

Benefits of membership:

Voting rights for the Church Council

Concessions for Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage and Funerals

Concessions for private hire of the Lutherhaus

Church bulletin by post 3 times a year

Certificates for school registrations

Godparent's and membership certificates


Residence in Ireland or Northern Ireland


Monthly membership fee

Monthly contribution?


We recommend a monthly membership fee of 21 € for individuals and 35 € for families, or at least 1% of the (joint) gross income. But of course: membership should not fail because of money - everyone pays what they can actually pay.

Money from the state?


As a registered charity, we receive a bonus from the Irish state at the end of the year for contributions of the amount of the recommended membership fee. We do not receive church tax from Germany. We are financed almost exclusively by our members.

Did you know?


We can issue donation receipts for paid membership fees according to German law. And: If you are still liable to church tax in Germany, you can offset your membership fees here against the church tax there.

Friends of St. Finian's

We invite all those who do not wish to become members (because they have not been baptised or belong to another church) or because they do not live in Ireland or Northern Ireland, but would still like to support us, to join the Friends of St. Finian's!

Benefits of the Friends of St. Finian's:

Concessions for Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage and Funerals

Concessions for private hire of the Lutherhaus

Church bulletin by post 3 times a year

Certificates for school registrations

Donation accounts:

Evangelische Bank e.G.
IBAN: DE86 5206 0410 0000 0022 40


Bank of Ireland
IBAN: IE08 BOFI 9009 7319 9449 68


Donations via PayPal (Link) Donations via iDonate (Link) Donations via SumUp (Link)

There are many ways to support us

We welcome everyone who wants to get involved in the church. Are you looking for a meaningful task? Do you want to get involved and shape things? Then get in touch with us! And together we will find out in which area you can become active.
